Groups and Classes


2018-2019 Groups

Loving and Dealing with the Self-Absorbed (For individuals)

Saturady 2/2, 10:00am-11:30am

The entitled believe they are so special and their lives so significant that others will believe their distorted half-truths and defer to their needs.  They are excellent at imitating emotions, exhibiting the right timely behaviors and manipulations.

  • Any effort to emotionally relate to the grandiose is doomed to failure, alienation, and rage.

  • Any effort to be logical and rational will lead to emotional bullying and threats from the grandiose.

  • Any attempt to “understand” grandiose behavior patterns, reactions, and their emotional inner world is equally hopeless.

Cost:  Free


Email me:

Text me : 615.714.0773 


Hold Me Tight (For Couples)

Saturday 12/8, 1:30pm-3:00pm

This workshop is based on  the EFT  (Emotionally Focused Therapy) .  This model,  based on over  20 years of research, developed a systematic and powerfully effective apporach to reducing relationship distress, and helping couples to create trust and intimacy. EFT has been empirically tested and reflects proven ,positive outcomes for over 75% of couples.

Please join me in helping you and your partner create a more loving relationship by identifying existing negative patterns and learning how to create a more secure emotional connection.

Cost:  Free


Email me:

Text me : 615.714.0773 


Auric Healing 1, 2 & 3 Class & Lab Schedules

All current schedules can be found on the Auric Healing page of the School of Healing Arts Website.


Kabbalistic Healing 1, 2 & 3 Class and Lab Schedules

All current schedules can be found on the Kabbalah page of the School of Healing Arts Website.